In this Article you can find very helpful information. Remember only you can heal and bind the two of you in one. Love
This article is By Kristin Wilson, MA, LPC, Vice President of Clinical Outreach
Within each of us, whether we are aware of it or not, is an inner child—with all the emotions and vulnerabilities of our younger selves. This inner child represents our capacity for innocence, wonder, awe, joy, sensitivity, and playfulness, and it also holds our accumulated childhood hurts, traumas, fear, and anger.
Self-Care for the Inner Child
To overcome childhood trauma and effectively work with the repressed memories and the painful emotions that emerge when we are no longer numb, we need to offer ourselves understanding, compassion, and love. This is work that teenagers, young adults, and older adults can do, first in therapy and then as a practice in daily life. Engaging in this type of intentional self-care and self-compassion is motivated by self-discovery, and is essential in supporting inner child work. It begins with knowing that you are worthy enough to receive it.
Becoming empathetic to that little voice inside your head that’s feeling insecure or fearful, and learning to be aware of and express those feelings on behalf of the inner child, is powerful work. You practice giving yourself the same patience and understanding that you would give to a close friend or relative—embodying for yourself that loving, active listener that you strive to be for others.
As the inner child feels increasingly heard and loved, and becomes more integrated in the adult person, the joyful qualities of childhood begin to re-emerge. We are more easily able to access playfulness, awe, and curiosity; to find magic and beauty in the world around us; and to feel warmth and empathy in our relationships. To nurture these qualities, we can consciously create space for them, setting aside time for creativity, play, or time in nature, on our own or with loved ones. Rather than seeing the world as a source of potential threats to our safety and sense of self, we begin to experience it as full of wonder, magic, and possibilities.